Changing an Icon

To find out how to change any icon along the top of the HTML5 reader, either watch the support video below or follow the steps at the bottom of the page.

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Step by Step Guide: Changing an Icon

Within the HTML5 reader, every single icon along the top bar is customisable to match your company branding.

To do this you must initially access the publication you wish to customise.

Then access the publication settings and click on the Top Bar tab.

You will then be able to see the options for Icons and Desktop Icons.

When you expand these headings you will see all of the icons that are available to customisable.

If you already have your image hosted elsewhere, you can directly drop in the URL for that new button.

Alternatively, you can upload your media to PageSuite.  After clicking the upload button you will be able to browse your files and select the file you would like to use for the icon.

After the image has been uploaded, click on the one you would like to use, it will turn blue and then click the green ok button.

If you hover over the image you will see a preview appear in the middle of the screen.

After these steps have been completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click save.

You will notice underneath every icon it shows a recommended size to use, this 64×64 pixels.